Statehouse Week

By Anthony


What a thrilling week this has been for our teens. Starting on Monday, it was a successful day of advocacy work as our leaders worked diligently to organize and complete their script for the State House presentation on Wednesday. Then on Tuesday, they got up on their feet to deliver their full scripted presentation including their original song crafted by the teens in the music specialty. With each run-through, the strength of their voices continued to build and build, hoping to retain this same energy for the day of the performance. After hours of planning, crafting, and rehearsing, it now came time for the teen leaders to present their words to the State Legislature and special guests at the State House. As they stood on those marble steps, each one of their words carried their message throughout the room. Their song is full of joy and passion for being the change of the future receiving great responses from the audience. After leaving the State House, the teens were proud of the work they had done, knowing that their words were actually heard.

Along with the preparation and actual performance for the State House, the teens began working on their individual workshop groups. These are the groups in which the teens will be going out into the community to spread the message of their theme for this year, Human Rights. Each group worked on what they wanted to go into their workshops, what messages they wanted to be taken away, and how each one will run and who does what. Each group was successful in formulating well-thought out agendas that will help them to facilitate their workshops. In the next coming week, they will put these facilitation skills to the rest as they present their workshops to one another and then the greater city of Boston.