By Sarai Warsoff
The dance specialty has been hard at work creating dances for our theme, “One Spark Starts a Fire: Advocating from the Heart.” This past week, we focused on developing two of our dances, one focusing on being motivated to advocate for change, and the other focusing on making sure you are well enough to be able to advocate for others. The conversations have been awesome, and allowing for the teens to use movement as another tool to communicate their thoughts has lead to some really awesome artistic choices. We have explored the artistic impact of using movement vs stillness, quick vs slow movement, and unison vs individual movement.
During the times of focusing on health, both individual and as a community, it has been so awesome to focus on how to address so many topics that affect everyone. It is so nice to be reminded of the impact of dance as a communication tool, and how to use it to amplify our overall message. As the program continues, our exploration of movement as a vocabulary and how to use it to amplify important issues becomes even more important and powerful, and I am so excited to continue this journey with the dance specialty!