Week 3

By Hannah Rolston


This week, the teens were getting ready for our flashmob performance. Being able to watch them learn this dance brought me so much joy. As someone who was once a teen leader of this program, I will admit that Flashmob was never my favorite and was very scary for me because I was not the best dancer. However, over the years, I’ve pushed myself to try my best and just have fun with it, which is exactly what I saw our teens do! To see the teens that felt the same as me, maybe a little scared to put themselves out there in a way they normally wouldn’t but pushing through and making the best of it anyways was inspiring watch. I saw teens taking the time to help each other learn the moves. I saw the moment any of them had questions they were eager to ask Tayla, the other assistants or even each other to get the answers, which just shows how determined they were to make this flashmob experience the best they could. The last thing I will bring up is not how good their dance was, but how amazing it was to see them encourage each other through the process! Seeing the teens get excited when they got the moves right, or when their peers finally got the one move down and giving them a high five or telling them “Yasss you did that!!” Just fills my heart! There were even times where I was learning the dance with the teens and they would always encourage me to keep going, that I was doing a great job, and that I had to do the Flashmob with them! Sadly, I was out the morning of Flashmob, but at the end of the day when I got to see them finally show off all their work, it made me so proud and I’m glad to say that Flashmob is now one of my favorite parts of this program!