Week 3

By Tayla Dixon


Flashmob Day was a day of fun, community building, and resilience. There were teen leaders who were anxious about learning and dancing in front of people, but by the end of Flashmob Day, they learned the whole dance, performed all day, and put their all into it. At Faneuil Hall, the teens performed multiple dances in addition to this year’s flashmob. They performed last year‘s flashmob, line dances, choreography from music videos, and personal choreography. I loved seeing them get excited to perform. By the end of the day though, the teens were tired, but we still had everyone join in for the last flashmob of the day.

This year, we were able to provide honey sticks to the teens as a healthy way to sustain energy throughout the day. It was so cool to see teens and staff indulging in the sweet treat! As the Flashmob Artist, one my goals this summer was to introduce the importance of nutrition and an accessible way for the teens to have a healthy snack. It was difficult to think of one because the most accessible snacks provide almost no nutrients, and the most nutritious snacks aren’t always appealing to teens. I thought of honey sticks because unlike produce, honey has a long shelf life naturally, we could get a bunch to hand out, and honey has over 20 minerals and 5,000 enzymes that are important for sustaining energy. Natural sugars are easily absorbed into the body and don’t cause spikes in blood sugar like cane sugar does. This makes the flashmob pick me up!